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Forming Catholic Leaders For Over 35 Years

Our dedicated staff and rich curriculum have helped to form thousands of students throughout the world and continue to shape the leaders of tomorrow.

Tuition Inquiry

The Highlands School is committed to partnering with families by providing exceptional education alongside spiritual formation to as many families as possible.

While a world-class education has a cost, we are proud to partner with donors and offer scholarship opportunities to ensure a Highlands education is accessible to families across the economic spectrum.

Rest assured, admissions and financial aid committees are separate, so every student’s admission decision is made independently from the financial aid process.

To learn more about how you might be able to afford a Highlands education for your child, please fill out the form.

Tuition Assistance

The Highlands School recognizes that a private education is a significant investment for families. We are committed to making The Highlands School education affordable to all qualified students to the extent that our resources allow. Accordingly, we have a number of financial aid services and scholarships available, including:

Financial Aid

The school offers a financial aid program intended to help families who demonstrate financial need.  Financial aid is not available for pre-kindergarten students or international students.

Financial aid is given at the school’s discretion based on an assessment of the family’s financial need and on the availability of funds. Preference is given to families who have children already attending the school. While it is not possible to fulfill all financial aid requests, The Highlands School makes every effort to help as many families as resources allow. A student’s application for financial aid will have no bearing on a student’s application for admission. Once a student has been admitted to The Highlands School, financial aid must be applied for, determined and renewed annually on the basis of the current demonstrated financial need against the funds available.

An application for financial aid must be submitted through FACTS online.  All applications are due by January 22, 2026.  You will need your 2022 Tax Return and 2023 W2 as part of your documentation.



Multiple-Student Tuition Discount

Discounts are available to families who have more than two children attending The Highlands School during a given academic year. The first and second child in the same family pay full tuition. The third and fourth child receive a 15% discount.  Additional children pay no tuition. When calculating tuition discounts, the children are considered in order from the highest grade to the lowest grade. Discounts do not apply to uniforms, meals, textbooks or any other fees or activities that are not included in the tuition.

Tuition Payment Plans

All families are required to utilize FACTS for payment of tuition, fees, athletic fees and miscellaneous fees throughout the year.

Option 1

Tuition paid in full within 10 days of enrollment to receive a 4% discount. (Not applicable for international students.)

Option 2

A monthly plan that will be determined by the date of enrollment. Entire tuition payment must be fulfilled by December 31.

Terrae Altae Scholarship

The Highlands School is pleased to offer $2,500 in scholarship to the top eight Terrae Altae applicants. Applicants must be 8th grade students from Catholic schools in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who seek to enter 9th grade at The Highlands School.  These scholarships are renewable annually by maintaining grade and conduct expectations.

To be eligible, 8th grade students must have an “A” average or above for 7th and 8th grades and complete the application requirements by the deadline. The scholarship is renewable yearly based on maintaining a 3.0 GPA and consistently receiving an “A” in conduct.

Interested students must submit an application for admission, Terrae Altae Cover Letter and application essay to the Office of Admissions at The Highlands School by January 24, 2025.


Brendan Behan Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Treadway family is happy to offer one $2,500 annual scholarship to the top applicant. Applicant can be any student who seeks to enter high school at The Highlands School from another parochial school, public school or home school in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

This scholarship is renewable annually by maintaining good standings in academics and conduct. Preference is given to those who are making an impact in their community. To be eligible, please complete the application along with an essay by January 24, 2025.


Tuition Loan Programs

The Highlands School does not partner with any particular loan company.  These listed are independent organizations that may be of assistance to families.


International Admissions

Our international students find a welcoming community of believers at The Highlands School. We welcome a limited number of students in each grade from across the globe who meet our admissions criteria. Our admissions process varies for international students. Contact the Admissions Office at for further information.

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